Thursday, December 9, 2010

Response to "Texas Should Do More to Protect Its Borders"

The Post above, Texas Should Do More to Protect Its Borders, brings up a great topic. My classmate explained how the relationship between Texas and Mexico is important and vital to both of us. Texas' main gulf port is the Gulf of Mexico so it is very important that we keep a healthy relationship with them, but the drug cartel and the advances of illegal immigration is putting Texas between a rock and hard place.

As my classmate brought up the facts that we are losing American's due to the lack of successful border patrol. This should be taken very seriously, but what we have tried to do has left us in the same spot that we started. He also suggested that Texas implement stricter punishment for human and drug trafficking. Although I do not think this is a bad idea, I do not think it will solve the border problems that are occurring. A drastic measure is going to have to be taken, to them that is a slap on the wrist to what the drug cartel will do to them and their families for trying to leave. There is just too many people involved with the Mexican drug cartel for the law to scare them away. Their retaliation to our stricter laws is simple, they will continue murdering more Americans, most from the Texas border.

To be quite honest, I do not even know where to start perfecting our border patrol so I did a little research to see what Governor Rick Perry has to say. In the article “PERRY: Texas will fight back We won't stand by while Mexican border violence kills” from the Washington Post, Perry has extended the training of the Border Patrol and has added aviation into this unit. This has been costly advance, but not very he notes that it has not been as effective as he hoped for. Perry addresses the fact that it is time for the Obama administration to focus on the severity of this problem and lend us a helping hand. He wrote Obama last summer with little response to our need. Perry is doing what Texas can afford and is trying combat this “war” to the best of his ability.