Friday, October 15, 2010

Driver's Insurance Check Points

The blog, Grits for Breakfast, posted an article discussing the newly added insurance checkpoint scheme in Corpus Christi. The blog states that the city will soon add multiple stops where police officials will check for driver’s insurance. If the driver unavailable to provide proof of insurance than the car will be towed, and consequently auctioned off if proof of insurance is not presented with-in 30 days.

I believe this blog was targeted to grab the attention from people’s right activists, the young voters, as well as the uninsured. The blogger states that this might be the way that the Corpus Christi Police chief is getting around the ban of DWI check points. This will easily catch the attention of the TAMU at Corpus Christi students.

I have to agree with Grits for Breakfast on this one, and say “This seems like a straight-up revenue generation scheme.” Their city council sources appear to be credible and dead set on going forth with this outlandish pursuit of uninsured motorist. The fees for a first time offender will add up to about $500, and if this cannot be paid, once again the cars will be auctioned off. Police Chief, Troy Riggs, plans to double the auctions held each year to now total 12, which will generate approximately $510,000 for the city of Corpus. This was practiced in Dallas, with less harsh auctioning plans, and did not decrease the amount of uninsured motorist. This makes me believe that the blogger is on to something with the “revenue generation scheme.”

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