Friday, October 1, 2010

Dumping State Tourism Budget

Gubernatorial candidate Bill White has proposed not just to cut, but to eliminate, the entire Texas tourism budget. In response to this suggestion, I have to agree with columnist Bill Blaziek, that such a cut would have a disastrous affect on the Texas economy. The example provided in the article about the beautiful state of Colorado could not paint a better picture of the possible outcome of eliminating a budget that studies have shown yields a seven to one return on investment. At this point in time, our state cannot afford to lose this income, especially for important areas such as education. Personally, I have a strong conviction about the importance of education, so Bill White’s proposition concerns me more than a little. If we ever want to get out of the economic situation we are currently in, we have to give our future generations the tools with which to make major changes.

Among the many cities that would be affected in the large state of Texas would be El Paso. If a city like El Paso, which isn’t the first city to come to mind as a vacation destination, is estimating huge financial losses, can you imagine what cities like Corpus Christi and San Antonio might face? I am no professional economist, but I think the financial situation would certainly not be one to tip your ten-gallon hat to.

Additionally, considering that over half a million jobs are provided by the tourism industry, our unemployment rate might also see some major declines. Although I believe that Texas is currently one of the stronger states in the United States, I anticipate that such a change would amount to a lot of problems for folks waving the lone star flag.

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