Friday, October 29, 2010

The Importance Of Voting

Many people wonder, “Why should I vote? I am only one person and my vote isn’t going to make the big difference,” but your vote is what makes the difference. Voting is the very first step in getting involved. It is what makes America a democracy and in turn gives us Texans the right to choose whom we think will carry out our best interest. With Election Day coming near I want to express the need for everyone to vote. If citizens don't vote, we will no longer be able to run our state in a FREE country. I am not one to ask you to vote for who I think deserves the right to be governor, but cast your ballet for who you think will make the best governor of Texas. Our candidates consist of Rick Perry (Republican), Bill White (Democrat), Katherine Glass (Libertarian), and Deb Shafto (Green Party).

Here is what Rick Perry and Bill White have to say about Texas’ low budget and what their priority spending will be and also their views on education.

Rick Perry is running for third term election. Perry states that his main priorities with the budget issues are education, transportation, border control, bankruptcy reform and e-government. E-Government is the use of technology to assist the operation of government. Perry is pro vouchers program for education and wants to start a pilot program, which would allow families to choose the school that their children attend. He also intends to incorporate online classes for students who have fallen behind, giving the opportunity to catch up and graduate.

Bill White wants to focus the low budget of Texas on energy, security, and health benefits. He believes that workforce training is very important and thinks that more vocational school routes should be offered for high school students. He is pro early childhood development programs, which current governor, Rick Perry, has vetoed in the past.

Please keep in mind that these over views are not fully detailed and that there are more topics that are being discussed. Also don’t dismiss the importance of looking in to the Libertarian and Green Party views before you vote. I encourage all of yall to support Texas in YOUR WAY and VOTE!!

1 comment:

  1. While reading my classmates blogs I came across the issue of voting. Reanna brings up an important topic. During election time you here people saying don't vote for this candidate or don't vote for him because he lied about me. Then you have the people who say that "they don't know who to vote for so they won't". This was my first election to vote in and I was proud that I was finally able to put my opinion on the ballot.

    Reanna told why she thinks it is a good idea to vote and that you don't have to just pick from the Republican or Democratic party. There are other parties out there and if you like their ideas then vote for them. You have the free will to vote for whoever you want. If you don't then you don't have the right to complain when the law changes to something you don't like.

    This editorial of voting is not biased. Reanna stated the pros of voting and the cons of not voting. The person of proposition that you vote on may not turn out to be what you wanted but you took part in the decision. How else can you get something passed if no one votes? If you don't want to vote then I suggest that you move somewhere like Cuba or North Korea and have a dictator that tell you everything you can and can't do.
